아비앙카(Avianca) 파산 보호신청 – 라이프마일은 아직 OK

아비앙카(Avianca) 파산 보호신청 – 라이프마일은 아직 OK


안녕하세요, Moxie 입니다. 

오늘 나온 항공 뉴스중에 Avainca의 Bankruptcy Protection 신청 얘기가 있습니다. 


비행기, 교통, 야외, 항공기, 차량, 여객기, 항공사, 항공 여행, 런웨이, 하늘, 제트 엔진, 공항, 협폭동체 항공기, 항공기 엔진, 트윈젯, 플랩, 제트기, 서비스, 항공 우주 공학, 지상, 타맥 포장, 주기장, 보잉 737, 비행, 에어버스 A320 제품군, 보잉 737 넥스트 제너레이션, 에어버스, 큰, 주차된, 레드

라이프마일 홈페이지에 뉴스에도 올라왔어요. 


윗 페이지에 가 보시면 아직까지 마일리지 프로그램이 어떻게 영향을 받고 그러는 얘기는 나오고 있지 않고 이렇게 설명하고 있습니다. 

LifeMiles is a separate business from Avianca.

LifeMiles is operating as normal, supported by our extensive commercial partner network and loyal member base.


라이프마일 가지고 계신분들 많이실텐데 걱정이 되는건 사실입니다. 저도 조금 있기도 하고, 조만간 Thank You 포인트를 이쪽으로 넘겨서 좋은 발권 한번 생각하고 있었는데 말이예요.

의류, 인간의 얼굴, 사람, 미소, 텍스트, 앉기, 여성


한국 뉴스에도 바로 나왔습니다. 



보딩에리어 블로거들이 열심히 뉴스 따라잡기 하고 있으니까, 조만간 어떤 변화가 나오면 바로 알려드리도록 하겠습니다. 



Lifemiles에서 지금 바로 보내온 이메일 내용 전문

Here is what you need to know:

Avianca will continue to operate through this process, and Avianca will return to the skies and continue to fly once COVID-19 travel restrictions are gradually lifted.

Customers’ safety and well-being remain a top priority for us today and moving forward. Customers can be confident that they can continue to depend on Avianca for safe, reliable air travel and high-quality service. To that end, Avianca has implemented a number of measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees and customers. Additional information on the steps Avianca has taken can be found here.

Customers can expect to continue to arrange travel and fly with Avianca in the same way they always have. We plan to honor all customer programs throughout this process.

• Customers will be able to use tickets, vouchers, travel coupons, gift cards and any additional travel services purchased before we initiated this process.

• Additional frequent flyer benefits remain active, including access to VIP Lounges, priority check-in, upgrades and other benefits.

• Given the impact COVID-19 has had on travel plans, we will continue with our Flexibility Policy. Subject to government policies, we expect to continue to allow changes free of penalty and fare difference charges for previously booked tickets and/or newly purchased as long as the original and changed flights are until October 31, 2020. All customers who have booked travel or will purchase flights during this period can be confident they can rely on Avianca for their travels.

• The LifeMiles™ program is administered by a separate company and is NOT part of Avianca’s Chapter 11 filing.

Avianca customers will continue to accrue miles when they fly with Avianca, and can continue to redeem miles earned through LifeMiles™ to purchase tickets with Avianca during this process. Tickets purchased through redemption of LifeMiles™ miles will continue to be exempt from penalty fees until October 2020.


코로나 바이러스 영향으로 이런 얘기들이 너무 많이 나올것 같아서, 웬만한 정확한 소식이 아니면 전하지 않고 있던게 사실인데, 이번엔 라이프마일 공홈에 이 뉴스를 올렸네요. ㅠㅠ


Moxie has been traveling the world using points & miles for over a decade. He still flies more than 100 times annually to both domestic & international destinations and shares his passion, experience and knowledge of premium flights and hotel suites with Korean readers and others through several different channels.

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