Moxie 게시판

마일리지 티켓 어떤 카드로 결제하나요? 카드회사 보험 혜택 받으신적 있나요?

희망사항 희망사항 · 2024-01-10 02:23 질문

동남아 포함 한국가는 마일리지 티켓을 대부분 예약 했는데 마일리지 티켓의  택스낸 카드 보험 커버가 궁금해 가진 카드로 좀 찾아봤는데요.  모든 여정이 원웨이 티켓에  출발지 도착지도 다르고 항공사도 다르면 어떤 카드도 혜택이 없으니 차라리 포인트를 많이 주는 아멕스 플랫으로 결제 하는게 나을까요?  인터넷으로만 찾아보긴 한계가 있는데 일일이 상담원과 통화나 채팅을 해야 할까요? 혹시 비슷한 경우 카드로 보험 혜택 받으신 분 계신가요?

travel insurance coverage for one-way mileage reward tickets

1. Capital One Venture X 

Trip Cancellation/Interruption:

  • Full ticket cost: Covered up to $10,000 for trip cancellation/interruption if you charge the entire award ticket cost (including miles/points used) to your card.
  • Taxes and fees only: Limited coverage might apply with a lower benefit amount compared to full ticket cost, but details are not readily available publicly. Contacting Capital One customer service for your specific situation is necessary.

Other Travel Insurance Benefits:

  • Baggage Delay Reimbursement: Up to $100 per day for 3 days if your checked bags are delayed for more than 6 hours.
  • Travel Delay Reimbursement: Not available.
  • Emergency Medical Transportation: Up to $250,000 for emergency medical transportation back to your home country.


2. Chase Ink Preferred Trip Cancellation/Interruption:

  • Full ticket cost: Covered up to $15,000 for trip cancellation/interruption if you charge the entire award ticket cost (including miles/points used) to your card.
  • Taxes and fees only: Limited coverage might apply with a lower benefit amount compared to full ticket cost, but details are not readily available publicly. Contacting Chase customer service for your specific situation is necessary.

Other Travel Insurance Benefits:

  • Baggage Delay Reimbursement: Up to $100 per day for up to 5 days if your checked bags are delayed for more than 6 hours.
  • Travel Delay Reimbursement: Not available.
  • Emergency Medical Transportation: Up to $100,000 for emergency medical transportation back to your home country.


3. Amex Platinum Card Trip Cancellation/Interruption:

  • Full ticket cost: Covered up to $200,000 for trip cancellation/interruption if you charge the entire award ticket cost (including miles/points used) to your card.
  • Taxes and fees only: Not covered for cancellation/interruption if you only pay the taxes and fees.

Other Travel Insurance Benefits:

  • Baggage Delay Reimbursement: Up to $200 per day for up to 5 days if your checked bags are delayed for more than 6 hours.
  • Travel Delay Reimbursement: Up to $100 per day for up to 5 days if your trip is delayed for more than 12 hours due to covered reasons.
  • Emergency Medical Transportation: Up to $2 million for emergency medical transportation back to your home country.


4.AAdvantage Platinum® Select® Mastercard

Trip Cancellation/Interruption:

  • Full ticket cost: Covered up to $100,000 for trip cancellation/interruption if you charge the entire award ticket cost (including miles/points used) to your card.
  • Taxes and fees only: Limited coverage with lower benefit amounts compared to full ticket cost. Specific details are not readily available publicly, so contacting Citi customer service for your specific situation is necessary.

Other Travel Insurance Benefits:

  • Baggage Delay Reimbursement: Up to $300 per trip if one or more checked bags are delayed for more than 6 hours.
  • Travel Delay Reimbursement: Up to $100 per day for up to 5 days if your trip is delayed for more than 12 hours due to covered reasons.
  • Emergency Medical Transportation: Up to $1 million for emergency medical transportation back to your home country.


Total 4

  • 2024-01-11 10:58

    적어주신 카드들이 거의 비슷한 혜택을 제공하고 있는것 같고요. 개인적으로는 이 혜택은 아직 한번도 사용해본적이 없기는 한데, 다른분들 받으시는 후기를 보니까 카드별로 처리하는 시간이 다르긴 한것 같고요. 결국에 받으시는 혜택은 비슷할테니, 사용시에 배수를 많이 받는 카드로 하시는게 좋을듯 합니다. 

  • 2024-01-15 17:46

    "모든 여정이 원웨이 티켓에  출발지 도착지도 다르고 항공사도 다르면 어떤 카드도 혜택이 없으니" 이 부분 설명 좀 더 해주실수 있나요?

    저도 원웨이로 미국-한국-유럽-미국 이런 식으로 편도 + 편도 (어떤 경우는 마일리지 사용)로 끊는 경우가 많은데 출발/도착지가 같은 왕복 항공권을 사는 게 아니면 보상이 안 되는 거였나요? 적어도 그 카드로 항공권 (혹은 마일리지 사용의 경우 세금)을 결제한 구간에 대해서는 보상해준다고 생각하고 있었거든요.

    • 2024-01-16 08:39

      왕복항공권이 아니더라도 세금부분을 지불하신 카드에 위와같은 혜택이 주어진다면, 보상받으실 수 있으십니다

      • 2024-01-16 20:45

        답변 감사합니다.