Moxie 게시판

Delta와 사우디의 Riyadh Air간의 Strategic Agreement 체결. 아틀란타-리야드 직항

MOXIE MOXIE · 2024-07-09 17:17 정보 항공정보

요즘에 사우디 관련 많은 뉴스들이 나오고 있는가운데, 델타항공과 사우디의 리야드항공이 상호조약에 오늘 사인을 함으로서...

이제 아틀란타에서 사우디 리야드까지의 직항도 생긴다고 하고요. 이로서 파생되는 몇가지 좋은점들이 생기게 되었다고 발표되었습니다. 

a man signing a document

Delta, Riyadh Air sign strategic agreement to expand connectivity and premium travel options across North America, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and beyond

  • New partnership will include a range of benefits for consumers traveling between North America, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and beyond.

  • Delta, Riyadh Air to strengthen connectivity and harness future growth opportunities for both carriers.

  • Agreement will enhance competition with an array of new travel choices for consumers, including future Delta service between the U.S. and Riyadh.

  • Delta will serve as Riyadh Air’s exclusive partner in North America, while Riyadh Air will be Delta’s exclusive partner in Riyadh and beyond.



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